Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

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5 Reasons You Should Learn How Each Department Works



It is thrilling to take the mystery out of your business by learning how each department works. There are many entrepreneurs who operate businesses and have no idea how to do all the jobs required to make the business work. While this may be necessary and practical for a large company, if you own a small business, it is important for you to learn how to do all the jobs your employees do. There are many reasons why this is important:

* no employee should be indispensable
* you should be able to jump in and work if needed
* it is easier to evaluate a task if you know how to do it
* you can train employees if you know what they need to do
* knowledge is power and helps you gain employee respect

Indispensable – When an employee is the only person in an organization that knows how to do a task properly, that employee is difficult to remove from the organization. An entrepreneur in a small business cannot allow this to happen. You must learn how things work in your company. An entrepreneur may be tempted to keep an employee who is indispensable when that employee should be fired. By learning how to do all the jobs in your organization, you help ensure that your company can continue to operate even after an employee leaves.

Fill In – If a business is a small one, an entrepreneur may be called upon to fill in when an employee is out of the office. Keep in mind that employees can be out of work for a variety of reasons ranging from illness to court dates to vacation time. Work should not stop just because an employee is out of the office for some reason. An entrepreneur who knows how to do every job within her organization can jump in and fill the void left by an employee who is out of work.

Evaluation – One task that entrepreneurs are called upon to do is evaluate employee performance. These evaluations are most commonly associated with pay increases but should take place on a regular basis. It is very difficult to properly evaluate how an employee performs a task if the entrepreneur does not have a clear understanding of what it is the employee is supposed to be doing.

Training – Employees, even experienced employees must be trained to do jobs in an organization. After all, even if the employee has done similar work in another organization, that employee must be trained to do it for your organization and with your customers. In order to train employees, an entrepreneur must know what it is the employee is required to do. Proper training is often the difference between running a successful business and operating a failing business enterprise.

Power and Respect – An entrepreneur who knows how to do all functions within her organization has a certain amount of power and respect in the workplace. While employees may not expect the entrepreneur to do all the tasks required to operate the business, they do recognize those who do and those who do not. Employees cannot hold their skills and talents hostage when the entrepreneur knows how to perform their duties. As the saying goes, “knowledge is power.” Knowledge also gains a person respect and admiration, both of which are qualities an entrepreneur should want to receive from employees.

In conclusion, it is thrilling to take the mystery out of your business by learning how each department works. So, the question for you this thrilling day is, do you know how to do each job in your business?

26 thoughts on “5 Reasons You Should Learn How Each Department Works”
  1. i absolutely agree! its crucial to know how each department works if you want to run a successful business!

  2. I try to learn as much as I can, but I have to say my partner, and husband does help out. Somethings behind the scenes I just have zero interest in. 🙁

  3. Well put. Big companies usually do cross-training with their people. As you can say – an employee must always have a back-up, so when times come that this particular employee can no longer physically function, the business will not suffer.

  4. It definitely helps when you know how every department works. You don’t have to be an expert in every department, but knowing the ins and outs makes a difference. I once had a boss who made it a point to work in every department of the company for one week out of the year.

  5. I do agree with you here too, i was employed before I have a kid and decided to take a full responsibility to be a mother and wife this time. but during those time while working, i totally considered everything,

  6. At my former employer’s office, we put out a publication quarterly and it included a focus on a different department each time. I thought it was a really valuable way to get to know everyone and really understand the resources available.

  7. Great post with some amazing points – there have been days in my OHs job where he is the only person who can do certain things and he is running ragged! x

  8. It is really important to know how each department make the business function. It not only helps you to fill in when needed but you will be more equipped to offer suggestions. Great tips & article.

  9. Since I’m self employed, I do know how to do each job. When I worked in an office, I knew how to do a variety of jobs in different departments since I often filled in. The more valuable you make yourself in your job the better.

  10. I think its important to know all you can about the business you are in. So you can step up to those areas as needed. Even if you aren’t the owner/boss/manager. I think that the whole team needs to work together to get a successful outcome no matter what your roll is. As a boss you really need to be hands on, I think it shows respect toward those who work for you as well as those who do business with you. I would rather go to a company that the boss cares enough to know I found what i need or have any questions.

  11. If managers and owners spend too much time away from the actual work of the business, it is easy for them to forget how the business actually works and the conditions their employees and customers face.

  12. Right now I”m a stay at home mom so yes I know how to do everyones job lol
    In all seriousness though before I had kids I worked in a fast paced job and I had to know how to do everyone elses job too. There were days when someone wouldn’t be going fast enough and we would all have to job on a computer and help them out. Its very important to understand you work environment

  13. Wow, he seems like he was a great example to have early in your career. It makes a difference when you can do all the tasks in your business. It keeps business running smoothly.

  14. My very first “real” job was working in the office of our local J. C. Penney, and the manager, on a regular basis did every job in the store. You could find him in the warehouse, checking customers out at the cash register, ordering stock, taking catalog orders (this was in the early 80s when a staff actually answered the phones and took your order), doing various office jobs, to sweeping and mopping the floors. He literally could do every single job at his store. If an employee was absent, he filled in. He also made sure that we knew how to do at least one other job besides the one we were hired for. He was an amazing man, leader, and mentor.

  15. I agree. I work in a home for the blind/ elderly and in my opinion, the managers spend too long in the office and not enough time on the floor. I realise that they have masses of paper work to do, but it would be good, just to give them an overall idea!

  16. Very good info. All managers should take this info and ensure they have a good handle on what their staff are required to do. Staff do pay attention to a manager who knows their job…very important in the work place.

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