• Wed. Nov 22nd, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.


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Justice is always worth the price paid for its pursuit. Sometimes life is hard, so what. Being an adult means that you show up like a grown up and do what needs to be done.

Justice is always worth the price paid for its pursuit.

One of my favorite definition for justice is, peace and genuine respect or people. I like the idea of an idea that respects people and causes people to care about others. Throughout law school and my work as an attorney, there were always discussions about justice. Justice was always described as an integral part of the American way of life. When people accused of doing something illegal and need to be dealt with they are brought into the criminal justice system. The officials talk about bringing criminal suspects to justice. It is indeed a powerful thing.

When it comes to justice in the United States, it is important to realize that justice is not blind, indeed it is very political in nature. One upon a time, justice meant that blacks in America had no rights that whites were bound to respect. (See the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision which was later determined to be one of the worst decisions in Supreme Court history.) Supreme Court justices are appointed by the President of the United States. The President of the United States is an elected official. In the states, the judges are elected or appointed and again, politics is involved.

Justice and politics are entwined, they always have been and under our governmental system, they always will be. This means if you are concerned about the fight for justice, you must be concerned about politics.

Politics is life so stop being afraid to talk about politics.

Recently I wrote an article for entrepreneurs called, “Entrepreneurs – Here Are 10 Great Lines from Michelle Obama at the DNC.” I shared the post with a group of fellow bloggers and several of them said they would not read the article because they only liked happy things and they avoided political talk of any kind. Initially, I attempted to tell them that there was no politics in the article, just 10 good ideas for entrepreneurs. Their response was the same. The said that since the title of the article had Michelle Obama’s name and the initials DNC, under no circumstances would they read the article. At that point, I moved on and left them alone.

Later as I discussed the events with others, I thought about how interesting it is to live in a world where you do not have to talk about politics. How interesting it is to live a life where you don’t have to think about the people who make the decisions that impact every area of your life. I do not have that privilege. Politics are important in my world. Politics determines what your children learn in school and who teaches it to them. Why? School board members are elected officials. The school board members hire the school district officials who set curriculum. The school district officials hire principals and teachers. So, what your children learn in school, the textbooks they use and the after school activities they participate in are all determined by politics.

Continued on page 2. Click 2 below to continue.

  1. This is a really powerful message. Justice is a very important topic, but not many people can extricate it from politics, and it makes it that much more confusing.

  2. I was just watching another round of speeches this evening. It’s a really important time in our country, including the turmoil. I am hopeful that this is the tipping point, and it’s only going to get better from here.

  3. I agree with the majority, it really is sad that justice and politics are so tied together. One should not predict the other!

  4. Politics really are everywhere especially so close to the election. It’s so interesting reading everyone’s thoughts!

  5. ugh, I hate that justice is not blind. I mean, it really shouldn’t be so political, but hasn’t it always been that way? It is so frustrating

  6. It’s too bad that justice and politics are so intertwined. You are right, they have to be discussed together. And we as a society need to grow up, stop being so defensive, and be able to discuss the important topics that we are currently facing!

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