Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Take Your Child to Work – It’s Fantastic

Sometimes it is fantastic to take your child to work when you are trying to balance work and home. Children are naturally curious about where their parents work. When your…

Find New Sales Techniques Now

It is always a good time to find new sales techniques. No matter how long you have been in business, there is always a new trick for you to learn.…

Be Grateful For Work – 5 Reasons

It is fantastic to know there are at least five reasons to be grateful for work. So, no matter how your day is going, take a few moments to be…

Have Some Fun – Enjoy Your Smartphone

If you want to have some fun, look for ways to enjoy your smartphone. Often, we are tethered to our phones because of work or the need to stay in…

Use Technology to Help You Learn

Use technology to help you learn something new and helpful. If you have a smartphone, tablet device, or a laptop, you can learn whatever you want wherever you want.

Take Action Now for a Great New Year

Do you want to take action now and make the most of the new year? Do you have big dreams and aspirations that you want to achieve? If so, you…

Take Action Now and Get Healthy All Over

Today is a good day to take action now and get healthy all over. Remember there is more to you than your physical health. Pay attention to your mental, emotional,…

Take Action Now and Get a New Attitude – For Real

Take action now and do the work to get a new attitude. Once you get that new attitude, put some real work behind it. When you do, the new attitude…

Take Action Now on Something New – Attitude

One of the best things you can do is take action now on something new like your attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude, so make it good.

I am Their Parent – Not Their Friend

Find serenity by realizing that being a parent is harder than being a friend to your children, but it is so worth the effort. It is always fun to listen…