Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

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magnificent Monday

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  • It is Magnificent to Wake Up With Loved Ones

It is Magnificent to Wake Up With Loved Ones

There is something magnificent about waking up surrounded by loved ones.

Sometimes You Have to Cheer for Yourself

Sometimes you have to cheer for yourself because the crowd just isn't behind you In that case cheer for yourself and keep it moving!

Want a Magnificent Home, Build It

Your home has many magnificent things, so step back and look for them.

It is Always Time to Start Again

It is magnificent to take action now with a new attitude.

A Whole Person Approach to Healthy Living

It is magnificent to find a new way to look at living healthy.

Look at Today Because Yesterday is Done

It is magnificent to realize that even if you screwed up yesterday, today can be different. When you have done something wrong, it is not the end of the world,…

It is Magnificent to Wake Up With Loved Ones

There is something magnificent about waking up surrounded by loved ones.

Sometimes You Have to Cheer for Yourself

Sometimes you have to cheer for yourself because the crowd just isn't behind you In that case cheer for yourself and keep it moving!

Want a Magnificent Home, Build It

Your home has many magnificent things, so step back and look for them.

Look at Today Because Yesterday is Done

Yesterday is done so don't spend all of today regretting yesterday's mess-ups. If you messed up yesterday, you can do better today and even better tomorrow.