• Sat. Dec 16th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Aesop’s Fables – Amazing Tools for Strong Business Results


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If you are considering sharing Aesop’s fables with your employees do it with a plan. Pull out a book of Aesop’s fables and go through looking for the lesson you would like to share with your employees. During staff meetings either read the fable aloud or hand a printout of the fable out to employees to read as they enter the meeting. Once everyone has heard or read the fable, talk about it. First, ask people to talk about what the fable means on the surface. Then talk about how that lesson can be applied to situations happening in the workplace. Encourage employees to read between the lines and look for ways to stretch the lesson learned to a big picture instead of simply scratching the surface

Once everyone has read the fable and found ways to relate it to things going on in the workplace, ask for ways the lessons can be expanded. What future actions can be taken based upon the fables you talked about. For example, based on the story of the wolf in sheep’s clothing, does your company need to create a confidentiality policy? Is there a need for sensitivity training? Do your employees need to learn empathy? It is great to learn from the fables you study, but it is better to use the fables to make the future better and brighter for your organization.

Sharing fables is an excellent way to teach lessons at work. Once your organization is used to fables being used to teach lessons and to having deep conversations about work and how business should be done. Expand the opportunities for brainstorming and discussions. It is through discussion, brainstorming and working together that incredible ideas can be found that will be good for your business. When employees know they are free to discuss ways to make business better, they will do so on a regular basis and even look forward to it. This may lead to increased job satisfaction, productivity and innovation at your organization.

If you would like to read other stories about Aesop’s fables and how they can be used in your life, check out the following articles.




Aesop’s Fables – Not Just for School

Aesop’s fables can be a great learning tool for your employees. So, the question for you this sensational day is, what is the most important thing you have learned from a fable?

16 thoughts on “Aesop’s Fables – Amazing Tools for Strong Business Results”
  1. I love Aesop Fable’s and I think the stories are timeless for children and adults. What a wonderful application to the business world.
    Good job!

  2. I never thought about using fables and finding all the amazing things you’ve shared! Wow! Love how you connected each fable with a lesson to be learned and related it to business!

  3. Fables are great tool for teaching life lessons for children and adults. The Hare and the Tortoise fable applied to business aspects really speaks to me.

  4. I loved using Aesop’s fables in my classroom to teach lessons. I like how you connected them with business applications too

  5. What an unique look at fales. I find this very interesting and helpful. I like when someone shows me a different way to look at things.

  6. I’ve never before thought about applying these fables to my business life, but it makes total sense. I’ve always considered these lessons as important ones to teach my child – turns out, we all need to remember these lessons!

  7. That’s so clever! I used to read Aesop’s Fables as a young girl. Back then I could apply them to my school and home life. About being patient and not greedy.
    I can totally see how they relate to businesses.

  8. Looking for the big picture is always hard to teach, and remember to do, even as an adult. Great connections in your post.

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