Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.


African American Family and the word family

Most entrepreneurs have families they care about. Those families include spouses, children, parents, and even distant cousins. Family relationships are one of the things that make all the work an entrepreneur does worth it. While you are working to build your business, please remember to take time to build, nurture, and care for your family.


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Teach Your Children to Advocate for Themselves

Teach Your Children to Advocate for Themselves I believe everyone can succeed and be happy with the right encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. That is why I created the blog Janeane’s…

Commit to Improving Family Life By Having Dedicated Family Time

Today is a good day to commit to improving family life by having dedicated family time. Your family will be happy to know that they are so important to you…

Baby Shower Game, Did Baby Poopie, from Côtier Brand

Baby showers are a time of gifts, food, best wishes, and unforgettable laughter. But all that can be quickly ruined by a few awkward, obligatory games that many guests simply…

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Anyway?

You can find serenity in learning that even if you do have a problem, there is always a solution. When a person experiences a serious, traumatic event, she should be…

Cops, Ni****s, Squirrels, and Hope

It is terrific to have hope because sometimes, hope is all you have. When the grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for any crime connected with the shooting…

I Don’t Call Motherhood a Hustle

When you look at the bottom line of it all, there is no competition between single mothers and married mothers. Good mothers, no matter what their marital status, want to…

Martin Luther King Day and Service Starts at Home

It is fantastic to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. by celebrating the service your children do for the family. In January of each year, attention turns to…

Improve Family Life by Spending Time Alone with Each Child

You can find serenity for your family by spending alone time with each child.

Organization in the Real World

You know, there is no secret to being organized, you just have to work it.

Every Child Can Be Independent in a Way All Their Own

You can find serenity in teaching your children to be independent, but be child specific in your lessons.