• Tue. Nov 21st, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Miracle Morning

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  • Miracle Morning – Identifying Protection and Problems

Miracle Morning – Identifying Protection and Problems

If done properly, your miracle morning routine helps you determine if obstacles are problems or protection.

Miracle Morning: We Fall Down, But We Can Get Up Again

Today's miracle morning walk reminded me of the gospel song, "We Fall Down" by Donny McClurkin. Its famous refrain was, "We fall down, but we get up." It is a…

Miracle Morning: Question of the Day – How Flexible Are You?

My miracle morning routine this morning reminded me to be flexible in my dealings with other people. Flexibility is key to negotiation, compromise, and collaboration.

Miracle Morning: How Do You Present Yourself to the World?

Today on my miracle morning walk I passed the trash cans in the picture above. They made me think about how we present ourselves to the world.

Miracle Morning – Let Your Light Shine and Let the World See

So, the question for you this miracle morning is, how do you let your light shine in your business? If you want the world to know - tell the story!

Miracle Morning: How Do You Set the Table?

In life, just like on today's miracle morning, how you live is often determined by how you set the table. What are you doing this morning to prepare you for…

Miracle Morning: One Girl’s Trash is Another Girl’s Treasure

On today's Miracle Morning walk, I was reminded of the old expression, "one girl's trash is another girl's treasure." We have the power to define treasures for ourselves.

Miracle Morning: How Big is Your Box?

The miracle morning routine is a good time to look at the boxes that make up your world and to get them in order. When your life is divided into…

Miracle Morning – You Have to Start Somewhere

Even on a miracle morning, you must realize that you have to start somewhere. Most of us don't begin where we want to end up.

Miracle Morning – Some Days Suck

Sometimes you have to realize that even if you are having a miracle morning, some days suck. When that happens, keep pushing forward