• Tue. Nov 21st, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

All Play and No Work Makes You Broke

Today we will be looking at ways to balance things because all play and no work makes you broke!  It is fantastic to balance work and play so you are able to meet your financial obligations. 

African American woman playing a video game and the words "All Play and No Work Makes You Broke"
Today we will be looking at ways to balance things because all play and no work makes you broke!  It is fantastic to balance work and play so you are able to meet your financial obligations. 

A reality of modern life is that many of us have a work life and a home life and we must keep in balance. That is if we want to be successful and happy. Both work and family are important parts of our lives.  We often hear stories that warn us of the perils of all work and no play. What we do not hear enough about is that all play and work makes us broke. It is important to attend school events with our children and work events with our spouses. At the same time, we cannot ignore our professional obligations.

It is important to arrive at work on time each day. On time means that you get to work at least 15 minutes early so that when it is time to start the day, you are actually starting work, not clocking in to work. We taught our children the following phrase to help them understand this concept:

To be early is to be on time

Toe be on time is to be late

To be let is unacceptable.

Davis family motto

While at work, keep personal calls, internet usage, and personal conversation to a minimum.  As much as possible, handle your personal matters during your lunch hour or on breaks. By being about business when you are at your place of business you are able to do a better job. In addition, behavior likes this helps you establish a reputation as a person to be respected and taken seriously in the workplace.

At work, it is important to schedule your projects and assignments thoughtfully and carefully.  If there is an assignment that will require many late nights and weekends, it may not be practical for you to accept them. When accepting assignments think about the impact it will have on the free time you want for yourself and your family.

To read more about work/life balance, check out the following:

Work Life Balance  – Learn New Tricks – It is fantastic to know there is always something new to learn in the work-life balance battle. Click here to read more.


Avoid Excess and Learn to Balance Work and Home – I am a woman who works at home and know it is very easy to slip into working during all my waking hours. Click here to read more.

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed.

Once you accept a work assignment you cannot fail to complete it because of personal obligations. It is important to take your professional obligations seriously and to remember that you need your job. You do not want to engage in behavior that will cause you to be separated from your employment. It is important to remember that work is a place for work. If you forget this, you will be out of work. That will lead to you being broke.

In conclusion, it is fantastic to balance work and play so you are not broke. So, the question for you this fantastic day is, how do you balance work and home so you do not end up broke?

3 thoughts on “All Play and No Work Makes You Broke”
  1. These are great tips! And I love what Brandi said in her comment — establishing ‘office hours’ while working at home is a must!!

  2. That is always a hard one for me. When you own your own business or work at home, you have to force yourself to have office hours so your family doesn’t want to scream! I am working on this one.

  3. Well, since I work from home, home always seems to get the short end of the stick. One of my goals for 2013 is to set strict “office hours”, so that when I’m off, I’m OFF!

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