• Mon. Nov 20th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Sharing Your Work-Life Balance Secrets

photo of woman in arobatic position and the words Share your secrets for balancing work and home.

If you have work-life balance secrets share them! You do not balance work and home by accident or by chance. It takes a decision and commitment. When you finally get the balancing act correct, it is fantastic!



It is fantastic to share the secret of your home and work balancing act.


Almost everyone knows someone who has the home/work balancing act all wrong. These people are easy to recognize. It is the co-worker who is always in danger of getting fired for handling all his personal affairs on company time.  It is the mom who never has time for her husband and kids because she is either always at work or taking care of work when she is at home.

Those are people who do not have their home/work lives in balance. It is human nature to seek out balance and harmony. Often people who are living out of balance are not as happy as they could be. It is a kindness to share your secrets for balance with a person who is living out of balance.


No matter who you are or what you do, one of your goals should be to balance work and life. Check out this article for help

#Goals – Work-Life Balance – You Can Do It!


I am a work at home mom, so my work and home life overlap very directly. I have won and lost when it comes to balancing work and home. I firmly believe that you do not have to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes you can simply get in the car and drive.in the spirit of each one teach one, here are a feQuote Box with the words - it is fantastic to share teh secret of your home and work balancing act.w of my secrets to balance home and work:

*     have set hours for work – you can train your family that certain time is your work time and that you have to work just as if  you went to an outside office each day

*     keep your work area separate from your home area – by separating your work and personal areas, it is less likely that your children will use your reports for coloring books; organization is a crucial component to success

*     have set hours for home – when your family knows the time you will dedicate to their concerns, they will look forward to and appreciate the time you have set aside specifically for family.

To read more about work/life balance, check out the following:

Work Life Balance  – Learn New Tricks – It is fantastic to know there is always something new to learn in the work-life balance battle. Click here to read more.


Avoid Excess and Learn to Balance Work and HomeI am a woman who works at home and know it is very easy to slip into working during all my waking hours. Click here to read more.

Also, check out our Confidence Tip of the Day YouTube channel for hundreds of videos on creating the confidence you need to succeed. 



photo of woman in arobatic position and the words Share your secrets for balancing work and home.


The secrets for balancing success vary from person to person and you must find a way to achieve balance in your life. However, that is not enough, you must share your balancing secrets with others so we can all live in balance and harmony. So the question for you this Fantastic Friday is what are your balancing secrets?

If you want to read more articles about balancing home and work, check out the following articles where we looked at the notions that:


It is fantastic to know that you can balance your work life and home life. It is even better to share your secret with others. So the question for you this fantastic day is what are you doing to make it work in your world?

9 thoughts on “Sharing Your Work-Life Balance Secrets”
  1. Okat, so basically, I need to stop working in my bed. This is a great article, and just what I need to kickstart my new year. As always, Janeane, thank you!

  2. Joyce, I think all working mothers feel like you do. It is particularly hard to balance things when you are a work at home mom. I hope some readers with secrets share them and help out the rest of us!

  3. I wish I had a secret to share. Unfortunately, my work-life balance is all out of whack.
    So this week I’m focusing on my husband and his needs.
    I know he feels like I put him last after A.J. and my business.

  4. Thank you! I am working through the bloggy buddies list. Please give me your blog addresss here so I can go follow you immediately!

  5. Great post Janeane and I agree with all of your points above! Setting hours and boundaries are so critical! It also alleviates a lot of unnecessary stress when everyone knows what to expect and when.

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