Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Finding a Peaceful Place

[Tweet “There is nothing in the world like a safe, quiet place to make your dreams a reality.”]


Think about what you do and what you want to accomplish. If you want to go from thinking about that thing to actually doing that thing, you must get the resources together and start working to make your dream a reality. It will not be easy, but it can be accomplished. It all starts with a place.

We all need a special place, a room, a closet or even just a corner where we can go, be alone, be safe, and at peace.If you have a room you can set aside to be your sanctuary, your room of your own, set it aside. However, if space is an issue, set aside a closet or the corner of a room to be your sanctuary. This will be your special place so that you can be at ease, at peace, and in control. Once you establish your secret, safe sanctuary use it. Go to that place to work on your business, write your novel, or learn something new. Treat the area as if it is safe and valuable. Make sure your family and those you live with respect your place and treat it as if it is an important area.

Go to your sanctuary area and work to make your dreams a reality. It may not be easy. In fact, you may feel silly declaring a closet or corner of a room as special and yours alone, but that is okay. The point is not the space itself, but what the space represents. The space represents your dreams and your journey from dream to reality. Respect it as a special place and then do the work to make the dream real.

So the question for you this serene day is where do you do to find peace, quiet and serenity?