• Fri. Nov 24th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.


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  • Cops, Ni****s, Squirrels, and Hope

Cops, Ni****s, Squirrels, and Hope

It is terrific to have hope because sometimes, hope is all you have. When the grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for any crime connected with the shooting…

This is Why My Kids Need Police Training

My children get police training at home to prepare them for interactions with the police. I would like to see police officers get trained on a regular basis for interactions…

The Ferguson Shooting and My Son

Those who forget history and racism are doomed to repeat it and experience it again and again.

The Ferguson Shooting and My Son

The Ferguson shooting and so many incidents like it scare me.