Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

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Stop Being Scared and Start Doing the Bold Thing

Decide today that you will stop being afraid and start doing that bold, audacious, courageous thing you dream about. Living in fear does nothing but help you to be more…

Stop Being Scared and Start Living the Dream

Decide today that you will stop being afraid and start doing that bold, audacious, courageous thing you dream about. Recently I purchased a notebook cover with the words, "Stop Dreaming…

It’s Your Life – Take Action Now and Run Things

Everyone who wants to get things done must TAN aka Take Action Now. All the talking and planning in the world will get nothing accomplished without action. In addition, if…

Commit to Taking Action Now By Having SMART Plans

It is magnificent to commit to taking action now by having SMART plans

Be Bold Use Your Heart and Take Action Now

It is a great day to be bold, use your heart, and take action now. Almost everyone has a dream project they would love to do. But, the project never…

Take Action Now Stop Being Sick and Tired of Excuses

You must take action now and stop being sick and tired of excuses. There is an excuse for almost every failure. Eventually, we must stop letting excuses dictate our actions.…

Find Inspiration to Take Action Now During Hard Times

If you want to succeed, you must find inspiration to take action now during hard times. LIfe is not always easy, so you must find a way to get things…

Make a List of Action Items if You Want to Get Things Done

No matter how successful your business is, you should always have a list of action items you are working your way through. That list will help your business to continually…

Debt – It Exists – Don’t Hide From It

Debt is a part of life, it exists so don't hide from it. Recognize that debt will be present at home and at work. Embrace it, deal with it, and…

Time to Take Action Now To Get Good Business Finances

It is time to take action and get good business finances. Your business will not control its finances all on its own. If you do not mind your money, no…