Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work #iBandz


teamwork makes the dream work www.janeanesworld.com


It is terrific to learn that teamwork really does make the dream work.  Whenever possible,  make your family part of your team. Most people have heard the expression, “blood is thicker than water.” The idea behind that expression is that family members need to stick together and are part of the same team.

When members of a family think of themselves with a team work mindset, they are able to accomplish great and wonderful things. Bible scholars among my readers will remember what God said when He gave the people different languages at Babel. He said if men put their minds to it, there was nothing they could not accomplish.

A family that works together like the people in Babel before the great divide. There is almost nothing they cannot achieve if they have made up minds and work as part of a team. Recently, I added my children as employees if this blog. Now, the children think of what used to be “my blog” as “our blog.” They feel part as if they are an important part of the blog’s success. They are part if the blog team.

Our family team is changing because my eldest daughter is going south to Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. This is a major change for Team Davis. I thought it would be a great idea to do something for the children who are remaining at home to emphasize we are part of a team and that we are in it, to win it. For that reason, I jumped at the opportunity to review  iBandz wristbands I was very excited. The folks at iBandz want to reach out to moms, dads, kids, athletes and everyone in between. iBandz are a completely new product.  There is no other “personalizable” silicone wristband on the market. The wristbands can be used for a myriad of purposes. They can be used to raise awareness for causes you care about. Wearing the iBandz wristbands are a way of starting conversations and give a way to help spread word of mouth about a cause, group or foundation. One of the great things about iBandz wristbands is that you can create your own phrases to compliment your personality or cause.




teamwork makes the dreamwork www.janeanesworld.com


These bands are brightly colored, flexible, plastic bands with your choice if saying. Our bands are simple and to the point. They read, “WIN.” I gave each if the children remaining at home a wristband with instructions that in all they do, they must reach toward the nark if the high calling. They must strive for excellence. If they strive for excellence in all they do, they will win.

Take a look at your family. What is your family mission. What goal are you trying to reach as a unit? Sum up that mission up in one word and get wristbands with that word for the members of your family. Go check out Ibandz for yourself and follow them on social media:


Facebook: iBandz Personalized Wristbands


Instagram: @iBandzRock


Twitter: @IBandzRock

[Tweet “Teamwork makes the dream work. Get iBandz to help you team stay on mission.”]


In conclusion, it is terrific to learn that team work really does make the dream work. So, the question for you this terrific day is, how are you harnessing the power of teamwork in your family?


I received a set ot IBandz personalized to my liking prior to writing this review. I was given no other form of compensation. All thoughts and ideas about the products are mine alone. 

68 thoughts on “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work #iBandz”
  1. I love this. I especially love that you have included your family and are teaching them the value of working and supporting one another. Teamwork is a necessary ingredient in success!

  2. Love the message you have to your kids. So inspiring and also, genius. I hope they remember it and remember that teamwork is always important

  3. A very inspiring story and I love the bright, colorful bands. Keep it up!

  4. I have five siblings and we were all raised to be very close. Even now when we have our own families we get together on a weekly basis.

  5. We are in the process of moving right now and I am stressing the importance of teamwork to my kids. We are all in this together. It is a great lesson to learn.

  6. I love it, what a neat idea. Teamwork out home is so important. The family that works together stays together.

  7. Go for the team Family. That is so wonderful. And good luck to your daughter on going to college. These ibandz look super cool! I love that. I also love the team idea that you including your kids in working with your blog. Wonderful!

  8. I love those bracelets! Team work is super important at the work place and at home (which in my case is one in the same LOL), thanks for sharing!

  9. I think it’s really great that you all work together. That’s what makes a family work. I love the bracelets.

  10. So important to get the whole family on board with these things. I really love the customizable bands, I can see a lot of uses for something like that.

  11. That’s adorable that they are coming up with ideas now. You are turning them into entrepreneurs by getting them into the spirit!

  12. this comes at a very timely occasion as we just spent 2 weeks at a beach house and I am not sure everyone can get along that long. we need to work as a family /team as well.

  13. This is such a fun idea. I really like that it pops and that there are two colors. It stands out and makes you want to stop and take notice.

  14. Fabulous idea to build team spirit in your home and encourage sibling bonding. Congrats to your daughter, you must be really proud.

  15. Really neat idea the one word and the bands – I will be sharing with Isa – she is my helper in all my projects.

  16. What a fun concept. My son’s marching band director gives each kid a little token like that before competition season and it really serves as a great reminder that they all must work together as a team to score well.

  17. I love the team idea for family but I don’t know if I could do the bracelet it looks like it would get in the way and make typing hard.

  18. Teamwork is so important, whether it’s at home with your family or with your work family. We’re definitely teaching our young son that he is a part of our team. It’s fun to see him involved and doing things with/for the family.

  19. What a fun idea! I love having a family mission statement. What a great idea to put on a wristband to keep it in their minds especially with school back in session!

  20. Wow really interesting ideas here! I love that you added your children as employees! Family support is great 🙂

  21. We are all somewhat involved in each other’s success. Teamwork really makes a difference.

  22. That is super cool. I love them and I love that your whole “team” has them.

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