• Mon. Nov 20th, 2023

Janeane's World: Published By James, Davis, and Associates

We train individuals and teams to work with confidence and competence. Call: 484 381 0532. Email: janeanedavis@janeanesworld.com.

Work Life Balance – Ask a Mom How to Do It!

to balance work and life ask a mom www.janeanesworld.com



It is fantastic to know when it comes to work life balance you can ask a mom how to do it. The internet, bookstores, newspapers and even grocery market lines are always full of people talking about how hard it is to balance work and life. I am always amused by the “experts” who are full of advice on how it can or cannot be done. These alleged experts talk about which side is more important and why we are all doomed because work life balance will never be achieved. Today I encourage you to stop listening to all the experts who tell you that work life balance is impossible. Instead, I want you to go ask a mom. Look around at your friends, family members and co-workers, somewhere in that group is a mom who is making it work.

When you find that mom who is making it work, that mom who is working crazy hours and still getting dinner on the table, the laundry done and the kids to school on time each morning. Find that mom and talk to her. Ask her what she does. She may be hanging on by a thread and tell you she is barely getting it all done. If she does, ignore that part and still ask her to tell you her system. Ask her how she does it, does she use an app? Is her day planner full of post its? Ask her if she has alarms going off on her cell phone every thirty minutes reminding her what to do? Just find out what it is that she is doing to get it all done.

Once you find out what that balancing it all mom is doing to make it work, sit down and figure out how to make her system work in your life. It is not important that you copy her system exactly. Instead take the things she does, take the tricks she uses and adapt them to your life. Then start trying some stuff. It may be hard at first and you may mess up, a lot. So what. Try it anyway. If it doesn’t work out perfectly so what. Aim for getting it to work good enough. Once you get things working good enough be happy and consider yourself a success! One of the key things about the work life balance struggle is realizing that things don’t have to be perfect to work. You must get to a point where you realize that good enough really is good enough.

Take time right now to look around and find that mom who is doing a good enough job of balancing it all and find out her secret. It will make her feel good to know that from the outside she looks like a success. Everyone needs a confidence boost and compliment sometimes. So, take out two birds with one stone. In other words, ask a mom. It will make her feel good and give you information you need.

[Tweet “If you want to learn to balance work and life, forget the “experts.” Instead ask a real mom.”]

In conclusion, it is fantastic to know when it comes to work life balance you can ask a mom how to do it. So, the question for you this fantastic day is, what mom are you going to ask for a work life balance secret?

Want to learn more? Here are a few books to get you started. These books are affiliate links. This means I may earn money if you purchase a book using one of the links listed here.

27 thoughts on “Work Life Balance – Ask a Mom How to Do It!”
  1. The biggest truth is that a Mom will know the balance between what is most important and what can wait until tomorrow….or the day after that. Balance is about what’s important – and a Mom has the experience to know what order to put the substance of life into! Great post and reminder!

  2. This is the truth!! Always ask a mom that has her ducks in a row. She will know how to help you out or at least lead you in the right direction.

  3. When I don’t get everything done, I just shrug my shoulders and say “tomorrow is another day.” I am happy for what I do get done.

  4. Most people who do not work at home do not understand how hard it is when to get work done when everyone thinks you are at home watching TV and not actually working.

  5. Right now I’m a SAHM but I used to work 8/10 hours, when my kids were little and my house was clean, the homemade food on the table and I had time to help them with homework and play with both. To be honest not sure how I did it.

  6. For me it has been coming to the understanding that I can no longer be 100% invested everywhere. Making choices and prioritizing has been the key, and took a lot more time to find than what I’d expected! Such a challenging issue.

  7. It depends on the mom’s personality if that would work for me. My sister-in-law is the most organized, efficient do-it-all person I know and I admire her, but she’s way too high-strung and regimented for me.

  8. I am a mom to 5, it’s all about juggling and balancing. A lot does not get done! My house is not always clean but there is time for that when they are grown and out of the house.

  9. thanks my husband does not get this work at home thing and since I am not the bread winner, he does not give me the credit or time to do what I need for the blog.

  10. I always thought I was good at balancing work and home life, then I became a mom. Now I’m excellent at it, and better than ever at multi-tasking.

  11. Great post. Sometimes good enough is good enough. You can’t do it all and do it all perfectly. There are days when I feel like a winner just because I got it all done at all!

  12. This is a great post! It’s so hard to balance it all, but every day it seems to get done 🙂 Moms rock!

  13. Some days I have no idea how I do it. It just happens and I am thankful it does.

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